Source code for

# Author: Florian Mayer <>
# This module was developed with funding provided by
# the ESA Summer of Code (2011).
Attributes that can be used to construct VSO queries.

Attributes are the fundamental building blocks of queries that, together with
the two operations of AND and OR (and in some rare cases XOR) can be used to
construct complex queries. Most attributes can only be used once in an
AND-expression, if you still attempt to do so it is called a collision. For a
quick example think about how the system should handle Instrument('aia') &

from import _attrs
from import attr as _attr

__all__ = ['Extent', 'Field', 'Pixels', 'Filter', 'Quicklook', 'PScale']

# Define a custom __dir__ to restrict tab-completion to __all__
def __dir__():
    return __all__

_TIMEFORMAT = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'

[docs] class Field(_attr.ValueAttr): """ A subclass of the value attribute. Used in defining a decorator for the dummy attribute. """ def __init__(self, fielditem): _attr.ValueAttr.__init__(self, { ('field', 'fielditem'): fielditem })
[docs] class Extent(_attr.DataAttr): """ Specify the spatial field-of-view of the query. Due to a bug in the VSO, the Extent attribute is not used. """ def __init__(self, x, y, width, length, atype): super().__init__() self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.length = length self.type = atype
[docs] def collides(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__)
[docs] class Pixels(_attr.SimpleAttr): """ Pixels are (currently) limited to a single dimension (and only implemented for SDO data) We hope to change this in the future to support TRACE, Hinode and other investigations where this changed between observations. References ---------- Documentation in SSWIDL routine """
[docs] class PScale(_attr.SimpleAttr): """ Pixel Scale (PSCALE) is in arc seconds. Parameters ---------- value : float or str The value can be entered in of three ways: #. May be entered as a string or any numeric type for equality matching #. May be a string of the format '(min) - (max)' for range matching #. May be a string of the form '(operator) (number)' where operator is\ one of: lt gt le ge < > <= >= Currently only implemented for SDO, which is 0.6 arcsec per pixel at full resolution for AIA. References ---------- Documentation in SSWIDL routine """
[docs] class Quicklook(_attr.SimpleAttr): """ Retrieve 'quicklook' data if available. Parameters ---------- value : bool Set to True to retrieve quicklook data if available. Quicklook items are assumed to be generated with a focus on speed rather than scientific accuracy. They are useful for instrument planning and space weather but should not be used for science publication. This concept is sometimes called 'browse' or 'near real time' (nrt) Quicklook products are *not* searched by default. References ---------- Documentation in SSWIDL routine """ def __init__(self, value): super().__init__(value) if self.value: self.value = 1 else: self.value = 0
[docs] class Filter(_attr.SimpleAttr): """ This attribute is a placeholder for the future. Parameters ---------- value : str """
# The walker specifies how the Attr-tree is converted to a query the # server can handle. _walker = _attr.AttrWalker() # The _create functions make a new VSO query from the attribute tree, # the _apply functions take an existing query-block and update it according # to the attribute tree passed in as root. Different attributes require # different functions for conversion into query blocks. @_walker.add_creator(_attr.ValueAttr, _attr.AttrAnd) def _create(wlk, root, api): """ Implementation detail. """ api.set_ns_prefix('VSO', '') value = api.get_type('VSO:QueryRequestBlock')() wlk.apply(root, api, value) return [value] @_walker.add_applier(_attr.ValueAttr) def _apply(wlk, root, api, block): """ Implementation detail. """ for k, v in root.attrs.items(): name = k[0] subkey = k[1:] if subkey: if len(subkey) != 1: raise ValueError("Can't parse double nested ValueAttr") subkey = subkey[0] if block[name]: block[name].update({subkey: v}) else: block[name] = {subkey: v} else: block[name] = v @_walker.add_applier(_attr.AttrAnd) def _apply(wlk, root, api, queryblock): """ Implementation detail. """ for attr in root.attrs: wlk.apply(attr, api, queryblock) @_walker.add_creator(_attr.AttrOr) def _create(wlk, root, api): """ Implementation detail. """ blocks = [] for attr in root.attrs: blocks.extend(wlk.create(attr, api)) return blocks # Converters take a type unknown to the walker and convert it into one # known to it. All of those convert types into ValueAttrs, which are # handled above by just assigning according to the keys and values of the # attrs member. _walker.add_converter(Extent)( lambda x: _attr.ValueAttr( {('extent', k): v for k, v in vars(x).items()} ) ) _walker.add_converter(_attrs.Time)( lambda x: _attr.ValueAttr({ ('time', 'start'): x.start.strftime(_TIMEFORMAT), ('time', 'end'): x.end.strftime(_TIMEFORMAT), ('time', 'near'): ( x.near.strftime(_TIMEFORMAT) if x.near is not None else None), }) ) _walker.add_converter(_attr.SimpleAttr)( lambda x: _attr.ValueAttr({(x.__class__.__name__.lower(), ): x.value}) ) _walker.add_converter(_attrs.Wavelength)( lambda x: _attr.ValueAttr({ ('wave', 'wavemin'): x.min.value, ('wave', 'wavemax'): x.max.value, ('wave', 'waveunit'):, }) )